Meet HPV Singles now

HpvSingle is a new and exciting dating website built specifically for people living with HPV and Herpes. Social networking Web sites like HpvSingle, MySpace, and Facebook, are services people can use to connect with others to share information like photos, music, videos, and personal messages. Please feel free to interact and mingle with as many people as possible.

HPV is getting more and more common nowadays. Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year.

Our HPV Support Groups are full of individuals who truly care about our mission to help bring together people living with this virus...and also educate those who don't. We offer plenty of dating advice, medical information, helpful support. We also have a huge amount of informative resources to help educate the public about living with HSV-1, HSV-2, and HPV. HpvSingle is a huge website that is more than just a dating service, we are a place of "unity" for anybody living with this virus.

Free to Place Profile! Connect with millions of quality members now! (no advertisement.)

Why Choose HPV Single?

join hpvsingle
  • It's the largest HPV Dating Site and support group;
  • You can keep the profile confidential;
  • You can meet local HPV singles;
  • Free to post a life-long profile and upload 52 photos at most;
  • Free to browse profiles;
  • Free to read and reply to messages;
  • Largest herpes blog and forum;
  • Unique features, eg, advanced search filters, age, gender, interests, height, religion, looking for, etc;
  • Private album by which you can manage the access to your private photos;
  • Instant messages;
  • Chatroom;
  • Spark - swipe left and right to like or pass members easily;
  • Live counselor;
  • 24/7 customer service.

Other HPV Dating Tips

1. Be positive

No matter facing the virus or the potential partner, being positive is a great choice. Nothing can beat us down except ourselves.

HPV is just a virus. It can't define who you are or what your life could be. With medical help and a healthy lifestyle, people can control it well.

People always say it's hard to find true love. But it's not so hard. Positive emotion can attract someone with a positive attitude too. Don't make yourself jealous or hateful.

2. Be honest

With HPV education, the public has changed their minds greatly. In fact, it's not a horrible disaster. Trying to be honest with your match, they will give you different reflections.

3. Be real

Don't cheat on yourself. Don't make yourself compromised just because of you have HPV. This virus shouldn't lower your seeking or life. Be real to what you are looking for and what you really like.

Sometimes, HPV singles tell themselves to accept a partner who they don't like at all just because they don't believe they can find real love.

So face your desire bravely and give yourself more chances.